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I was able to quit my job and start earning a lot of money from home thanks to the training and all the tools that Thomas gives
Studying at the Thomas's program gave me confidence in my trading, new in-depth knowledge. This is the education I've been looking for for so long
Thomas helped me go through the program and not give up halfway. I've already turned $4,000 trading deposit into $12,600 in 4 months! Now I understand how Thomas earns millions
Thomas, you've made my life so much easier! I really wanted to do trading, but I didn't know where to start. Then I went to Thomas' educational program. And this is a real model for all other trading educators.
I used to spend months searching for information about trading. Every topic that a trader should know is covered in Thomas's program: from trading strategies to risk management, psychology! Thomas checked each of my notes to make sure I was taking full advantage of the program.
I've already taken trading courses, but I quickly became disappointed in them, there was no practical value. At Thomas's education, I finally don't feel lost. I learned to think and make decisions like a profitable trader. I have guidance and mentorship. I learned money and risk management, great technical analysis. The program takes you into baby steps so you get your result.
When I think about trading, I often imagine Wall Street. It seems that there are people who'll tell you what to buy and when. I decided to take it seriously and joined Thomas's course. Now I can trust myself to buy my own stocks and do it for myself. I'm much more prepared and my expectations are in line with the reality. I also watch other students' education progress in Thomas's Facebook group and I don't feel alone in it.
But don't take our word for it, check out our...
Contrarian Member Success Stories

If you are skeptical go ahead and binge-watch the following testimonials so you can see what you have been missing out on by not taking action...
Secure 30 days of access to my exclusive VIP club. Where I'll be unveiling my personal trades, and you'll have the chance to replicate them

Author and speaker of the master class
  • Hedge Fund Manager
  • World's #1 Trading Coach
  • Verified earnings of over $10,000,000
  • Founder of a university with 5000+ graduates
  • 2,000,000+ followers across social media
Education provided by Thomas Kralow is accredited and certified by CPD, which is extremely rare in the world of trading education!
For over 5 years now, I've been actively involved in the trading space, and everything I have – my travels, brands, sports cars, yachts, business jets – is a result of my activities in this market
Yes, of course, nowadays it seems like every other trading influencer is cruising around in a Lamborghini, showcasing a luxurious lifestyle

But who can show you this? A detailed report for every month of trading in 2018-2019, including all profits and losses?
Results of trades in 2020-2021
I've built a substantial fortune through trading and documented the entire journey on my YouTube channel.
I demonstrated every single one of my trades from the moment I took them, to the moment I closed them.

Everything is in the public domain, I have nothing to hide. You can take a look for yourself via the link.
Still not sure? No problem.
15-minute video

Receive 30 days of access to my exclusive VIP club. Where I'll be unveiling my personal trades, and you'll have the chance to replicate them

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Hi everyone my name is Hafsa i've been studying in the program for the past 5month i took a break cuz of my university i was studying to finish my degree but lemme y'all tell ya something this is amazing program having system and following the best i have ever done in my life i didn't finish yet i still got 30% of the program but i've been consistently improving my trading i took one demo account from 100k to 13800k while i was learning the game so that's all i wanna say today get the program is life changing guys trust me i will be back once i finish my course take care
Hafza Abdi
Aug 2, 2023
So far everything is going good. I would recommend to make one lesson in order to introduce new students to trading platforms. I know there are lot of them but as I don’t have any experience of using the platforms for me would be helpful to know the main details. I see that introducing videos of how to use platform is available in platforms website however it would be good to have some basic information in this learning program as well.If this topic is covered in other chapters ignore the message.
Elina Saknina
Mar 24, 2023
This is the most comprehensive, complete, noob friendly program for anybody that wants to learn everything about Trading. It is even more personalized than your usual Uni program if you get an assistant, as they will literally take you by your hand and make sure you are successful (if you put in the work) + there is no University in the world that offers this content. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to learn to trade or add new knowledge to their current strategy.
Enrique Vergara
Mar 20, 2023
The learning program is very complet. You will not only learn how to trade and be consistance but also how to invest long term and build an investment portfolio.The learning program is full of homework quiz to help you validate each lessons. I really recommend it specially the mentorship option, because it provide a direct line of communication with Thomas himself. You get to have have him evaluate your trading, through your own stats and algorithm. This program will and is life changing but you as a student need to do the WORK. That being said thank you Thomas for creating this great trading learning program
Edmyr Amazan
Apr 2, 2023
This is not one of the best trading education, BUT THE BEST IN THE WHOLE WORLD! I had literally 0 knowledge of trading but right now, after only 2 months of learning, I know a really lot of it, and the best part is it is fckn interesting. Thomas is explains everything in small details and really calm voice that is easy to understand everything. Also what is important there are no absolute side/background noises that will distract you from studying. More few weeks in front of me to finish educating in trading. Looking forward to one on one T.Kralow Mentorship!
• JurciksLV •
Oct 31, 2022
If you have a lot of tough decisions to make in life, one of the best decisions is to become a fan, student, and employee of Thomas. His way of expressing himself is very good and you will enjoy every moment he offers us. A very great mentor and person. I wholeheartedly recommend. Don't miss the opportunity to learn the best! Kralowians ... !!!
Jürgo Krikuhhin
Oct 20, 2022
Went thru the program in bit less then 5 months, spending around 3h a day. Was expecting something more difficult, i was surprised how simple this strategy is???? Many questions came up after learning program when you actually start demo trading, but you can easely find them just repeating lesson you need. Meaby wanted some trading examples in program, where is shown how to handle days with diagonal market moovement.But overall great experience, no regret what so ever????
Sep 8, 2022
So the platform is amazing, very user friendly with a lot simple to use features as to not overcomplicate things. I do however have an issue when trying to pilot through the lessons. Most of the times when I hit the next lesson button I am sent back to the main program homepage which is a tad annoying. The weird thing is that if i press the next lesson button at the penultimate lesson of each chapter, I am being sent into the next chapter, even though the last lesson of the previous chapter was never opened. Very weird behavior. There are also a few spellings mistakes in a couple of video lessons, but that can be overlooked
Sep 8, 2022
Love Thomas and his clarity and honesty.He is very professional , very transparent and very realistic.The course is certified and deserves more than its actual price.I am learning a lot from it, a lot.All the best,Ronny
Rony Hassanieh
Sep 8, 2022
This program helped to set correct expectations from trading. Education was really helpfull and the best advice for others I can give is to have a good mentor which have passed much levels of trading and learn from it so you will make less misstakes by yourself. The program is really well and worth it. Good job Thomas!
Modestas Vaidylas
Sep 8, 2022
The only program that enforced me to do homework which is key to learn and remember. Also I re-learned to write everything myself in a old fashioned notebook. I was in doubt if it can be possible to trade with indicators and levels successfully but stats prove it when rules are followed which is most important. Overall it was the best learning programme that I have done so far. However, it could be much better if Thomas broadcast regularly live trading events.
Marc Müller
Aug 19, 2022
Without a doubt program is excellent. The way and design how learning is built and structured allows you to learn every detail you need to know to start your journey in a world of financial markets, even if you’re with absolutely no experience. Knowledge is built brick by brick so you could get a full picture. Be patient, do not skip homework, put as much effort as it needs and you will get results you expected.
Andris Velmunsks
Oct 3, 2022
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